Commercial Real Estate Builder Charleston South Carolina Renovation and Commercial real estate remodels

office remodel contractorsAt Precision Construction it is our goal to make sure that our commercial work is the best quality construction expected by our clients. A large portion of our regular partner/ clients include many of the large commercial property management companies that entrust us to handle their property owners real estate needs. Our commercial renovation construction work includes renovating historic commercial property, traditional office spaces, shopping centers, retail shops in not only Charleston, South Carolina but also Columbia, Hilton Head, Beaufort, and Myrtle Beach.  Some of our expanded services include performing many functions such as: designing, engineering, scope of work assessment, cost analysis, community and association compliance, permitting requirements, and capital structuring are all elements that must be managed to assure that the customer’s needs are met and the desired result is accomplished on time. As a Charleston, SC area commercial renovations contractor  we have to make sure that we stay educated on the latest wind and hurricane construction code to ensure our work can withstand the ever present danger that living in a coastal town presents.



Our commercial renovation work  also includes: multi-family, apartments, investment properties, dining, shopping centers, houston tx commercial restaurant repair applianceslarge office parks, and other commercial development. Commercial general contractors in Charleston, South Carolina and especially the ones who are approved to do work downtown in the historic area have to be well versed in historic preservation regulations. We have extensive experience in renovating historic commercial properties in downtown Charleston, SC both commercial and residential alike. If you are looking for a commercial general contractor in Charleston, SC for a renovation or commercial remodel project please contact us for a meeting.